Yesterday, hubs had an interview at the Silverton for Garde. He was told it was a 100% job and come to find out it wasn' now we wait to see if they will pick him up. I hope.
Today, oh today.. It has been interesting. The workers decided to start with their noise at 7am waking up the little one. They continued all day til recently, I finally got to put her down for a nap.
A couple we are pretty close with are having twins due in March I believe. Her baby shower is on Sunday so I decided to try my hand at Diaper Cake making. I think it turned out absolutely adorable! I used half of a box of size 1 Huggies, a few pairs of socks (for the roses, and lots of ribbon! I love it! I hope she does too! I also got her an extra box of diapers and some more socks since you can never have too many of either :]
rose bouquet on top of "cake" |
Night all!
That turned out so cute Anna! I love it!