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Friday, January 7, 2011

Life and diaper cakes

These past few days have been nothing special. Wednesday, Butterbean and I went to my mom's house to pick up her toy box that my dad built. I painted that the past couple days and today we will be putting her hand print on it and putting it in her room to fill with all of her toys!! Sometime in the coming week we will go pick up her 2 book shelves and other toy boxes. Hopefully I can finish those painting jobs by next weekend. I will post pictures as soon as we fix our computer!
Yesterday, hubs had an interview at the Silverton for Garde. He was told it was a 100% job and come to find out it wasn' now we wait to see if they will pick him up. I hope.
Today, oh today.. It has been interesting. The workers decided to start with their noise at 7am waking up the little one. They continued all day til recently, I finally got to put her down for a nap.

A couple we are pretty close with are having twins due in March I believe. Her baby shower is on Sunday so I decided to try my hand at Diaper Cake making. I think it turned out absolutely adorable! I used half of a box of size 1 Huggies, a few pairs of socks (for the roses, and lots of ribbon! I love it! I hope she does too! I also got her an extra box of diapers and some more socks since you can never have too many of either :]

rose bouquet on top of "cake"
I really need to get up and do dishes but yeah its not gonna happen :P I swear tomorrow I am cleaning this place up!!
Night all!

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